Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

Looking for a sweet and refreshing dessert to beat the summer heat? Look no further! We have the perfect treat for you – Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream.

This creamy and indulgent dessert combines the tartness of cherries with the smoothness of vanilla, creating a delightful flavor that will leave your taste buds wanting more.

Get ready to satisfy your cravings with this mouthwatering Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream recipe.

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe – A Quick Overview

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

Dive into the delectable world of homemade ice cream with our Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream recipe. This delightful treat is perfect for those warm summer days or whenever you crave a sweet, fruity dessert with a classic vanilla twist. Here’s what you need to know to get started:

Recipe Description: A creamy, homemade ice cream bursting with fresh cherries and a rich vanilla flavor.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 0 minutes (Freezing time approximately 4-6 hours)

Total Time: About 4-6 hours, including freezing time

Type of Dish: Dessert

Cuisine of the Recipe: American

Quantity Produced by the Recipe: Serves 8

Number of Calories in the Recipe: Approximately 250 calories per serving

About Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

This Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream recipe is an irresistible blend of rich, creamy vanilla ice cream studded with sweet, tart cherries.

A classic flavor combination, it offers a refreshing twist on traditional vanilla ice cream. By incorporating fresh or frozen cherries into the base, this recipe elevates a simple dessert into a sophisticated treat.

Ideal for homemade ice cream enthusiasts, it requires minimal equipment and can be made with or without an ice cream maker.

Why Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream is a Must-Try?

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat
  • Unique Flavor Combination: The blend of tart cherries with creamy vanilla offers a refreshing and distinct taste that stands out from other ice cream flavors. It’s a perfect balance that caters to those who love both fruity and creamy desserts.
  • Versatility in Serving: This ice cream pairs beautifully with a variety of desserts, from simple homemade pies to elaborate chocolate cakes. It’s also divine on its own, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.
  • Seasonal Delight: Utilizing fresh cherries when they are in season adds a burst of flavor that canned or frozen options can’t match. This makes Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream especially appealing during cherry season, adding a touch of summer to every scoop.
  • Fun to Make: Whether you’re using an ice cream maker or going the no-churn route, making Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream can be a delightful activity for families or a therapeutic solo project. It’s a chance to experiment with natural flavors and create something truly homemade.
  • Healthier Option: By controlling the ingredients, you can adjust the sugar level or opt for natural sweeteners, making it a relatively healthier option compared to store-bought ice creams which often contain preservatives and artificial flavors.

What Are The Ingredients In Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe?

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

To create this luscious Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream, you’ll need a blend of simple yet flavorful ingredients. Here’s everything you need to gather:

  • Fresh or Frozen Cherries: 2 cups, pitted and halved. Fresh cherries are preferred for their vibrant flavor and natural sweetness, especially when in season. However, frozen cherries can also be used as a convenient alternative.
  • Granulated Sugar: 3/4 cup, to sweeten the ice cream. Adjust according to your taste or substitute with your preferred sweetener for a healthier option.
  • Heavy Cream: 2 cups, providing the rich, creamy texture that’s characteristic of premium ice cream.
  • Whole Milk: 1 cup, to balance the richness of the heavy cream without compromising the creamy texture.
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 tablespoon, for that classic vanilla flavor. Opt for pure vanilla extract for the best taste.
  • Lemon Juice: 1 tablespoon, to enhance the cherry flavor and add a slight tartness that complements the sweetness of the ice cream.
  • Salt: A pinch, to enhance all the flavors and bring out the sweetness and tartness of the cherries and vanilla.

Essential Tools For Making Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

To embark on your Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream journey, having the right tools can make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Here are the essential tools you’ll need:

  • Ice Cream Maker: For those opting for a traditional approach, an ice cream maker will churn your mixture to perfection, creating a smooth and creamy texture. There are various types on the market, so choose one that fits your needs and budget.
  • Mixing Bowls: You’ll need at least one large mixing bowl to combine your ingredients before the freezing process. Consider a set of bowls if you plan to separate liquid and dry ingredients before mixing.
  • Whisk or Electric Mixer: A whisk is essential for thoroughly mixing your ingredients to ensure the sugar dissolves into the liquids. An electric mixer can make this process faster, especially when working with heavy cream.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Precision is key in baking and making ice cream. Use measuring cups and spoons to ensure the correct ratio of ingredients for the perfect balance of flavors.
  • Cherry Pitter: If you’re using fresh cherries, a cherry pitter can save you a lot of time and effort. This tool quickly removes pits while keeping the cherries intact.
  • Freezer-Safe Container: After churning, you’ll need a container that can go into the freezer. Opt for an airtight container to preserve the ice cream’s texture and flavor.
  • Spatula: A spatula will help you transfer the ice cream mixture from the bowl to the freezer container without leaving anything behind.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

Preparing the Ingredients

  • Begin by preparing your cherries. If using fresh cherries, pit and halve them. For frozen cherries, ensure they are thawed and halved. Set aside.
  • Measure out the granulated sugar, heavy cream, whole milk, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt as outlined in the ingredients list.

Mixing the Base

  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, whole milk, and granulated sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Stir in the vanilla extract and lemon juice, mixing well to combine.
  • Add the pinch of salt to enhance the flavors of your ice cream base.

Incorporating the Cherries

  • Gently fold the prepared cherries into the ice cream base. If you prefer smaller pieces of cherries in your ice cream, consider chopping them before adding.

Churning the Ice Cream

  • Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for churning time, usually about 20-25 minutes, until it reaches a soft-serve consistency.
  • For those without an ice cream maker, pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and freeze, stirring every 30 minutes to prevent ice crystals from forming, until desired consistency is achieved.

Freezing to Perfection

  • Transfer the churned ice cream to a freezer-safe container.
  • Cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent ice crystals, then seal the container.
  • Freeze for at least 4 hours or until firm. Enjoy your homemade Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream as a delightful treat on its own or as a complement to your favorite dessert!

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat
  • Overlooking the Importance of Quality Ingredients: Using low-quality vanilla extract or cherries can drastically affect the flavor of your ice cream. Opt for fresh, in-season cherries and pure vanilla extract for the best results.
  • Not Chilling the Ice Cream Base: Failing to chill the ice cream mixture before churning can lead to an ice cream that never quite sets. Ensure your base is cold to expedite the freezing process.
  • Rushing the Freezing Process: Patience is key when freezing your ice cream. Rushing by setting the freezer at its coldest in hopes of speeding up the process can lead to a too-hard texture. Allow it to freeze slowly for a creamy consistency.
  • Overfilling the Ice Cream Maker: Filling the ice cream maker too full can prevent proper churning. The mixture needs space to expand and aerate for that perfect creamy texture.
  • Ignoring the Recipe Ratios: Tempting as it may be to alter ingredient ratios on a whim, doing so can result in texture and flavor imbalances. Stick to the recipe for guaranteed success.
  • Skipping the Stirring (For No-Churn Method): If you’re not using an ice cream maker, neglecting to stir the mixture as it freezes can result in ice crystals. Regular stirring ensures a smoother texture.

What Are the Best Ways to Serve Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream?

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat
  • As a Decadent Dessert Topping: Elevate your favorite desserts by adding a scoop of Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream. It pairs wonderfully with warm brownies, fresh-baked pies, or even over a slice of pound cake for a delightful contrast in temperatures and textures.
  • Create an Ice Cream Sundae: Layer this ice cream with whipped cream, a drizzle of chocolate or cherry sauce, and a sprinkle of nuts or cherries on top for a classic sundae that’s sure to impress.
  • With Fresh Fruit Salad: For a lighter option, serve a scoop alongside a bowl of fresh, seasonal fruit. The tartness of the cherries and the sweetness of the ice cream complement the natural flavors of the fruit beautifully.
  • Ice Cream Floats: Pour a generous amount of cherry soda or ginger ale over a scoop of Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream in a tall glass for a refreshing and fizzy treat.
  • In Ice Cream Sandwiches: Sandwich a scoop between two soft chocolate chip cookies or brownies. The chewy texture of the cookies with the creamy ice cream makes for a heavenly treat.
  • As a Creamy Shake: Blend the ice cream with a splash of milk to create a rich and creamy Cherry Vanilla milkshake. Top it off with whipped cream and a cherry for the ultimate indulgence.

Tips For Preserving Freshness and Flavor for Longer

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

To ensure your homemade Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream retains its delightful taste and creamy texture for as long as possible, consider these storage tips:

  • Use an Airtight Container: Once your ice cream is firm, transfer it to an airtight container. This protects it from freezer burn and keeps the flavors intact.
  • Press Plastic Wrap on the Surface: Before sealing the container, lay a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the ice cream. This extra barrier helps prevent ice crystals from forming.
  • Keep at a Consistent Temperature: Store your ice cream in the back of the freezer where the temperature is most stable. Fluctuations can cause the ice cream to thaw and refreeze, leading to a grainy texture.
  • Label Your Ice Cream: Write the date on the container when you freeze your ice cream. While it’s best enjoyed within a month, it can last up to three months without a significant loss in quality.
  • Freeze Quickly After Serving: If your ice cream has softened during serving, make sure to return it to the freezer promptly. The less time it spends at room temperature, the better it will maintain its quality.

How to Make This Recipe Perfect Every Time?

Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe: A Delicious Treat

To ensure your Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream comes out perfectly every time, here are some key tips to follow:

  • Start with the Right Ingredients: Use fresh, in-season cherries for the brightest flavor and pure vanilla extract for a deep, aromatic vanilla taste. The quality of your ingredients directly impacts the ice cream’s flavor.
  • Temperature Matters: Ensure all your ingredients are cold before you start. This helps the ice cream mixture to chill more quickly and evenly, leading to a smoother texture.
  • Follow the Recipe Precisely: Each measurement and step in this recipe has been tested to ensure the best results. Resist the temptation to make changes to the ingredient quantities or steps.
  • Be Patient During Churning: Give your ice cream maker the time it needs to churn the mixture into a creamy consistency. If using the no-churn method, don’t forget to stir the mixture periodically to avoid ice crystals.
  • Freeze to the Right Consistency: After churning, the ice cream should be frozen until just firm. Over-freezing can make it too hard, while under-freezing will leave it too soft.
  • Enjoy Fresh, But Store Correctly: While this ice cream is best enjoyed fresh, proper storage is key for maintaining its quality. Use an airtight container, press plastic wrap against the surface, and keep it at a consistent, cold temperature in the freezer.


Embarking on the journey of creating homemade Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream is a delightful experience that brings together the freshness of cherries and the classic taste of vanilla into one irresistible dessert.

Whether you’re a seasoned ice cream maker or a curious newcomer, this recipe guarantees a creamy, dreamy treat that’s perfect for any occasion.

Remember to use quality ingredients, follow the steps closely, and serve your creation with pride. Enjoy the process and the delicious results of your homemade Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream.


Can I use canned cherries instead of fresh or frozen? Yes, canned cherries can be used if fresh or frozen are not available. Just be sure to drain them well and possibly reduce the added sugar, as canned cherries are often packed in syrup.

What if I don’t have an ice cream maker?

No worries! You can still enjoy homemade Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream by using the no-churn method mentioned in the guide. Remember to stir the mixture periodically during freezing to prevent ice crystals from forming.

Can I substitute the heavy cream for a lighter option?

Substituting heavy cream with a lighter option like half-and-half will result in a less creamy texture, but it’s definitely possible if you’re looking for a lighter version. Just keep in mind that the final product might not be as rich.

Is it possible to make this recipe dairy-free?

Absolutely! Swap the heavy cream and whole milk for full-fat coconut milk or another plant-based milk of your choice. Note that this may slightly alter the flavor profile, but it will still be delicious.

How long does homemade ice cream last in the freezer?

Ideally, enjoy your Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream within a month for the best flavor and texture. However, it can last up to three months when stored properly in an airtight container with plastic wrap pressed directly onto its surface.

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